To raise awareness about our services, we run and participate in events with other organisations across New South Wales and online.
Our outreach activities help us educate consumers, community workers and small businesses about energy and water issues. They also provide us with an opportunity to learn about the issues affecting consumers first hand. We share this knowledge with providers, to help reduce the number of complaints coming to us.
We focus on reaching vulnerable groups and those experiencing hardship, including:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- community housing tenants
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- seniors
- people with disabilities
- people living on fixed and or low incomes
- people living in regional and remote areas.
Our activities include:
- Bring your Bills Days
- Good Service Mob events for Aboriginal communities
- Anti-Poverty Week forums
- Community housing training
- Community events and expos
- Online energy and water information sessions.
If you’d like us to present to your clients, members or other stakeholders, contact us.