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- Why have I been transferred to a new energy company?
Why have I been transferred to a new energy company?
If your retailer fails financially, they can be suspended from supplying electricity or gas by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). When this happens you will be automatically transferred to a new energy company under what’s known as a “Retailer of Last Resort” (RoLR) arrangement.
We have outlined below the rights of residential or small business customers whose retailer has failed. You can also download our FAQs on Why have I been transferred to a new energy company.
Who is my new retailer?
The AER will automatically assign and transfer you to a RoLR based on your area and distributor.
Do I need to contact my new retailer?
No, your new retailer will contact you, usually by mail, within about five weeks.
What will my new retailer charge?
Your new retailer must charge you what’s known as a ‘standing offer tariff’, or the prices it offers under a standard retail contract. The standing offer tariff will most likely be more than the price you were being charged under a market retail contract that you negotiated with the failed retailer, and may be more than you would pay under your new retailer’s market contracts.
Will my new retailer give me a solar feed-in tariff?
Your new retailer will most likely put you on their standard feed-in tariff rate.
Can I change to a different offer or retailer?
Yes, changing retailers or offers could help you get the best possible price, including solar feed-in tariff. Visit Energy Made Easy to compare prices, retailers and offers.
If you’re happy to stay with your new retailer, contact it and ask about its market contracts – these should be cheaper than the standing offer.
What if someone in my household uses life support equipment?
You must contact your new retailer urgently to advise that you have life support equipment, even if you previously advised the failed retailer, and provide confirmation from a medical practitioner. The new retailer must then register you as having life support equipment at your premises and make sure that your distributor is aware of this.
Will I receive a final bill from the failed retailer?
You should receive a final bill from the failed retailer for any energy you used up until you were transferred to your new retailer. Your new retailer will bill you for any energy you use after you were transferred to them. The new retailer’s prices will apply from the date that you become their customer.
What will happen to my direct debit arrangement with the failed retailer?
The failed retailer has a legal obligation to take steps to cancel direct debit authorisations, but you should contact your financial institution to confirm that the cancellation has been processed. If you wish to pay your new retailer by direct debit, you will need to set up new direct debit arrangements with them.
What will happen to my Centrepay deductions?
The failed retailer has a legal obligation to take steps to cancel Centrepay deductions, but you should contact Centrelink to confirm that Centrepay payments have been cancelled. If you wish to pay your new retailer by Centrepay, you will need to set up new arrangements.
What happens if I was in the failed retailer’s hardship program or on a payment plan?
You must contact your new retailer to advise that you were on a hardship program or payment plan, and ask about your eligibility for their equivalent to either of these. Your new retailer will have an AER-approved hardship policy to assist customers who are experiencing financial difficulty or are otherwise having trouble paying their bill.
I was on a payment plan with the failed retailer. Can I pay the final bill in instalments?
Yes. The payment plan can continue once you receive the final bill you owe.
Do I still need to pay my debt to the failed retailer?
You must still pay for any energy that you consumed while with the failed retailer. If you can’t pay off the debt in full, you may contact the retailer or their insolvency official and request a payment plan. However, the failed retailer or its insolvency official is not required to set up a payment plan with you. If you do not pay the final bill, you may be credit listed.
What happens if I am in credit with the failed retailer, either through advance payments or a solar feed-in tariff?
That amount will be credited toward your final bill, and any remaining balance repaid to you. However, if the failed retailer goes into liquidation you may receive only some or none of the money owed. If that happens you should register the amount you are owed with the failed retailer’s insolvency officials.
What will happen to my unresolved disputed bill with the failed retailer?
You should still contact the failed retailer as they or their administrator should have processes for handling unresolved customer complaints. If you have contacted them and are dissatisfied with the outcome, you can contact EWON.
What if I have a fully or partially paid service order with my distributor?
You do not have to pay for the service order (e.g.special meter read) again. Your new retailer may place the order with the relevant distributor or, if the order has been placed by the failed retailer, take steps to ensure its completion. You should speak directly to your new retailer about the status of your service order.
What if I have an outstanding new meter installation request with the failed retailer?
You will need to contact your new retailer to find out the status of this request. The process may need to be restarted. I was in the process of transferring from the failed retailer to a different retailer.
Who will I be transferred to?
If your chosen new retailer had commenced the transfer process before your original retailer failed, your transfer will be fast-tracked so that you do not transfer to a RoLR. If your chosen new retailer had not commenced the transfer process before your original retailer failed, you will be transferred to the RoLR and your chosen retailer will need to arrange for you to transfer to them. You should contact your chosen retailer to find out the status of the transfer.
I was in the process of switching to the failed retailer when they failed. Who will I be transferred to?
If you were in the process of transferring to the failed retailer, this transfer will not be completed. You will remain a customer of the retailer you were transferring away from, and on your current contract. Your retailer will send you a letter to confirm this.
Can I come to EWON with a complaint about the failed retailer?
Yes, but we may not be able to investigate your complaint. We can provide general information and advice and direct you to other resources such as the AER’s Energy Made Easy Website, your allocated energy retailer or NSW Fair Trading for further advice or action.