This website is operated by the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON). Your use of this website, including any of the content or materials on it is governed by these terms and conditions. Your use of this site signifies your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms and conditions.
EWON makes this material available on the understanding that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use. Before relying on the material in any important matter, users should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information for their purposes and should obtain appropriate advice relevant to their particular circumstances.
Limitation of liability
Subject to any responsibilities implied by law that cannot be excluded, this site is not liable to you for any loss, damage, claims, liabilities, expenses (including without limitation legal costs and settlement costs) whatsoever arising out of, or attributable to, any content, services or other material on this web site whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise.
We make every effort to ensure that all material on this web site is free from error. However, before relying on or acting on material in this web site you should seek independent advice, and/or contact EWON to discuss it.
We do not guarantee that material on this site or any linked site will be free from viruses or that access to this site will be uninterrupted.
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This website includes links to other websites operated by government bodies, non-government organisations and individuals.
Links to other websites are provided for your assistance, but do not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of the practices, views or information contained at any linked site. In the same manner, the absence of a link from this web site to any other website should not be treated as an absence of endorsement or support for the operator or content of that website.
The material at this site may include views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of EWON or indicate its commitment to a particular course of action.
By accessing information at or through this site, each user waives and releases EWON and its employees to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of the material made available through the web site. In no event shall EWON be liable for any incident or consequential damages resulting from use of the material.
EWON is committed to quality service to all users of its service and makes every attempt to ensure accuracy, currency and reliability of the data contained in these documents. However, changes in circumstances after time of publication may impact the quality of this information. Confirmation of the information may be sought from EWON, originating bodies or departments providing the information.
Copyright Notice
All contents © Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW. All rights reserved. Material from this site may be published without the publisher's permission provided that it is used in the appropriate context and that the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW is acknowledged as the source
Facebook Terms and Conditions
EWON’s Facebook page is monitored between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday, excepting public holidays. This page has been created to provide a platform for EWON to engage with energy and water consumers, as well as other stakeholders, who wish to make queries or comments or to discuss matters relevant to EWON’s jurisdiction. We endeavour to respond to queries by the close of the following business day.
The Facebook page is intended to increase public awareness of EWON’s services and activities and to refer consumers to relevant information resources and assistance.
Complaints to EWON cannot be submitted via posts or messages to the page. To lodge a complaint, please call 1800 246 545 or submit an online complaint.
EWON is an independent dispute resolution body. There are six simple rules for posting:
- Please do not post comments intended as a complaint for EWON to action. Complaints can be lodged by phone on 1800 246 545 or online.
- Please do not post comments about any ongoing EWON investigation.
- Please be respectful, and consider other points of view when posting. We can’t allow content or links to content that could be considered offensive, defamatory, obscene, threatening, or otherwise not appropriate for an audience of all ages.
- Please do not post any of your own or anyone else’s personal information. While you may comment in specific terms about your own matter and in general terms about others’, you may not post content that includes specific details of any other person’s issue or complaint.
- Social Media Policy, Strategy & Guidelines: January 2018 Page 13 of 32
- Please keep posts relevant to energy and water matters or the services EWON provides. This page exists so that consumers and small business can discuss and learn about energy and water consumer issues.
- Please do not spam, troll or try to advertise on our page. Multiple, duplicated or repetitive posts do not educate or facilitate constructive discussion.
Whether positive or negative, all feedback is helpful to us, but please ensure you observe the rules above in expressing your feedback. We will do our best to respond directly to as many posts as possible.
While we support lively, open discussion, we reserve the right to delete any comments that don’t comply with our rules, or which are otherwise deemed inappropriate. Any users who repeatedly break these rules may be blocked.
We may choose to follow or like organisations or individuals that are relevant to EWON or the industries in which we operate. Being followed or liked by EWON does not imply endorsement of any kind.
EWON will regularly archive this feed for the purposes of future analysis and to comply with public record capture requirements.
If you have any queries or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please email
Twitter Terms and Conditions
EWON’s Twitter account is monitored between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday, excepting public holidays. This account has been created to provide a platform for EWON to engage with energy and water consumers, as well as other stakeholders, who wish to make queries or comments or to discuss matters relevant to EWON’s jurisdiction. We endeavour to respond to queries by the close of the following business day.
EWON’s participation in Twitter is intended to increase public awareness of EWON’s services and activities and to refer consumers to relevant information resources and assistance.
Complaints to EWON cannot be submitted via Twitter. To lodge a complaint, please call 1800 246 545 or submit an online complaint.
EWON reserves the right to monitor all replies to its Tweets. There are six simple rules for engaging with us on Twitter:
- Please do not publish comments intended as a complaint for EWON to action. Complaints can be lodged by phone on 1800 246 545 or online.
- Please do not publish comments on any ongoing EWON investigation.
- Please be respectful and consider other points of view when commenting. We cannot allow content or links to content that could be considered offensive, defamatory, obscene, threatening, or otherwise not appropriate for an audience of all ages.
- Please do not publish any of your own or anyone else's personal information. While you may comment in specific terms about your own matter and in general terms about others’, you may not publish content that includes specific details of any other person’s issue or complaint.
- Please keep comments relevant to energy and water matters or the services EWON provides. This Twitter profile exists so that consumers and small business can discuss and learn about energy and water consumer issues.
- Please do not spam, troll or try to advertise on our feed. Multiple, duplicated or repetitive posts do not educate or facilitate constructive discussion.
- Positive or negative, all feedback is helpful to us, but please ensure you observe the rules above in expressing your opinions.
While we support lively, open discussion, we reserve the right to block any individual whose tweets do not comply with our rules, or are otherwise deemed inappropriate.
We may choose to follow organisations or individuals that are relevant to EWON or the industries in which we operate. Being followed by EWON does not imply endorsement of any kind.
EWON will regularly archive this feed for the purposes of future analysis and to comply with public record capture requirements.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Terms and Conditions, please email us at