Our Deputy Ombudsman, Helen Ford will be speaking at the Financial Counsellors Association of NSW Conference which focuses on addressing the issues that financial counsellors help their clients with across the state.

Helen will co-host the External Dispute Resolution Forum along with our colleagues from AFCA and the TIO to outline how Ombudsman schemes can work with financial counsellors to identify and resolve systemic issues.

Our friendly Outreach team will also be there sharing our resources at our information stand so come and say hi if you’re at the conference.

When: Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd August

Time: 9 am (1st day) to 3.30 pm (2nd day)

Where: on Darkinjung, Dharawal, Dharug, Gundungurra, Wonnarua and Wiradjuri Land, Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains - 1 Sublime Point Rd, Leura

Want to know more? Go to: Conference - FCAN