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EWON update
- Consultative Council Meeting wrap-up
Consultative Council Meeting wrap-up
EWON held a successful hybrid Consultative Council Meeting this month. The theme Continuous improvement – the future of our energy and water systems, was addressed by the following speakers:
- Sarah McNamara, Chief Executive at the Australian Energy Council (AEC)
- Evelyn Rodrigues, Manager Customer and Community from Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA)
- Mindy Lim, Compliance Programs Manager at the Clean Energy Council (CEC).
Sarah, Evelyn and Mindy gave more than 70 attendees participants insights into their organisations and how they aim to ensure the sustainability and reliability of energy and water in Australia. They also discussed how they support the industry, their members and customers.
The interactive hybrid meeting allowed stakeholders to attend in person or address questions the speakers online.
Held twice yearly, our Consultative Council Meeting is hosted by the Board Chair and brings together EWON members, government and industry stakeholders, and community group representatives. The Ombudsman also provides a comprehensive update of EWON’s activities, current initiatives, complaint trends and current issues. You can view a copy of the Ombudsman’s presentation here.
The next Consultative Council Meeting will take place in November 2023. Let us know if you would like to join us.