The Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW Janine Young will visit the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) from 19 to 21 November to meet with key stakeholders ahead of EWON extending its services to take complaints from landholders and community members from December 2024.
EWON was identified by the NSW government as the most appropriate external dispute resolution service to take on this work based on its reputation as an established, trusted and independent dispute resolution service, and its extensive experience in community engagement.
“We’ve been assisting NSW energy and water customers for 26 years – most recently resolving 28,000 complaints in FY24. We’re looking forward to taking up this critical energy transition role for NSW regional and rural residents and communities,” Ms Young said.
EWON has established a dedicated Energy Transition team to provide independent advice and information and deliver an investigation and resolution process for landowners and community members dissatisfied with the way their complaints are handled by relevant transmission and renewable energy entities, who will become members of EWON.
EWON will also provide a ‘no wrong door’ referral service for residents, connecting them with the most appropriate channels to address their complaints if they fall outside the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction.
“We’re committed to actively engaging across communities to fully understand the issues residents are facing,” said Ms Young. “From early 2025 our team will be out here, boots on the ground, ready to listen, provide advice and resolve complaints. Landowners and community members won't need to navigate a maze of different services, EWON will be their one-stop-shop for information and advice.”
EWON will work closely with other entities involved in handling complaints from communities impacted by renewable energy projects, including the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, the NSW Energy Corporation, the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner, and the Centre for Property Acquisition.
The Ombudsman will connect with key stakeholders including Dubbo Regional Council, Mid-Western Regional Council, Warrumbungle Shire Council and members of the Central-West Orana REZ Community Reference Group. She will also visit the Wellington Solar Farm in Wuuluman.
To request an interview with the Ombudsman please email Fran Strachan, EWON Communications Manager or call 0429 416 070.