Energy prices increased on Saturday 1 July 2023. We know this increase will place extra pressure on consumers who are already facing stress from the higher cost of living. We’re sharing tips on how to manage the price increase to stay on top of your bills and avoid mounting debt and potentially disconnection.
Why have prices increased?
The Australian Energy Regulator set the Default Market Offer (DMO) and this year, have increased it by around 20%. The DMO is an electricity price safety net, or price cap, designed to protect consumers. It applies to households and small businesses on standard retail plans in NSW and other states.
Managing the prices increases
There are many ways consumers can act now to help manage the price increase.
Access government National Energy Bill Relief package for eligible households.
Ask your retailer for a better energy plan, or shop around using the free and independent bill comparison website Energy Made Easy.
Make sure you are receiving any rebates or concessions you are entitled to.
Speak to a financial counsellor on the National Debt Helpline 1800 007 007.
Reduce your energy use to save on your bills.
Access Energy Accounts Payment Assistance Vouchers if you’re experiencing a crisis or emergency.
Talk to your retailer about an affordable payment plan or customer assistance program
If you’ve contacted your retailer but aren’t happy with the result, call us. We’re here to help.