Publications and submissions
Annual reports
Annual Report 2021/2022 webpages
- Reconciliation Action Plan
Reconciliation Action Plan
Our Reflect RAP demonstrates our commitment to closing the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and other Australians and provides a clear roadmap to guide our contribution to reconciliation.
EWON’s journey towards reconciliation started more than a decade ago when we hired an Aboriginal Community Engagement Officer to establish an Aboriginal Community Outreach Program for communities across NSW. Since then, we’ve continually expanded our focus by introducing cultural awareness training for all staff, developing culturally appropriate resources and practices, and celebrating significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events through the year.
Our Reflect RAP records our progress to date and outlines how we plan to extend our support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in future. It is firmly embedded in all our day-to-day operations.
Our actions
In 2021/2022 we:
- introduced Cultural Protocols Training for new staff with our Aboriginal Community Engagement Officer as part of EWON’s onboarding program
- met regularly with Essential Energy and Endeavour Energy to explore Aboriginal outreach opportunities
- engaged Mirri Mirri, an Aboriginal-owned cultural awareness training provider, to train EWON staff and Board members
- joined Supply Nation, a network of Aboriginal-owned businesses, and committed to buying EWON collateral from it
- recognised our RAP progress at the May 2022 staff meeting and distributed gift bags of collateral featuring designs by Barkindji artist Maddison Gibbs
- ensured alternating staff and Board members present the Acknowledgment of Country at staff and Board meetings
- established a dedicated section for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources on The Hub, our intranet.
In the future, we will:
- introduce a separate phone queue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customers voiced by our Aboriginal Community Engagement Officer
- develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment and retention strategy to increase recruitment, retention and professional development opportunities.
For more information on our Reconciliation Action Plan see our main webpage.
EWON Annual Report 2021/2022 interactive dashboard and highlights