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COVID-19 Awareness Campaign

In May 2020, we launched a digital awareness campaign to help energy customers understand the affordability options available to them during COVID-19. Targeting culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) customers, seniors and Jobseeker recipients the campaign ran for six weeks between May and June, reaching 985,233 consumers on Facebook and Instagram.

To complement our digital campaign and reach ATSI consumers we broadcast community radio ads across NSW in May. Voiced by EWON’s Aboriginal Ambassador and well-known comedian Sean Choolburra, the ads used humour to encourage listeners to access EWON services if they required additional assistance during COVID-19.

The campaign reached over five million listeners during the month-long campaign and the ads were broadcast on 163 community radio stations. Read more about energy and water support.

Listen to the radio ads.