Download reports commissioned by the Australian and New Zealand Energy and Water Ombudsman Network (ANZEWON). EWON is an active member of the network, which aims to share information and systemic issues arising from complaints. The views expressed in these reports do not necessarily reflect the views of Janine Young, Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW, EWON Directors or staff or other members of ANZEWON.
What will energy consumers expect of an energy and water ombudsman scheme in 2020, 2025, and 2030?
October 2019
The Australian and New Zealand Energy and Water Ombudsman Network (ANZEWON) commissioned a joint piece of independent research to better understand the dispute resolution needs of consumers in the energy and water markets in 5- 10 years and determine what changes, if any, are required to ensure that the energy and water ombudsman schemes are fit for purpose. The University of Sydney Law School was commissioned to undertake this research.
This report is one of several inputs that will inform our planning, to ensure we remain an integral part of the consumer protection framework across the energy and water markets. Each scheme will consider the implications of the report within its own jurisdiction and regulatory environment.
External Dispute Resolution (EDR) Access Report
June 2016
The report Consumer access to external dispute resolution in a changing energy market is an independent research paper commissioned by the Australian New Zealand Energy Water Ombudsman Network (ANZEWON). In June 2016, this report was presented to the Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria), Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW and the Energy & Water Ombudsman South Australia.
The report was requested to inform these schemes about the direction of the Australian energy market, with a focus on exempt retailer, embedded network and alternative energy service growth, and the consequential impact this is having on the ability of energy consumers to access to free and independent dispute resolution.
Download Consumer access to external dispute resolution in a changing energy market (PDF 1.5MB)