All EWON members are responsible for promoting EWON to their customers.
Promoting Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) and External Dispute Resolution (EDR) to customers builds consumer confidence and trust in the sector. It demonstrates commitment to providing effective dispute resolution and is required to fulfil regulatory obligations and meet best practice principles. Raising consumer awareness about energy and water ombudsman offices empowers customers and demonstrates commitment to consumer protections.
In a joint initiative with our Queensland, South Australian and Victorian energy and water ombudsman counterparts, we aim to ensure customers are aware of their right to access our services.
We have developed resources to assist members in promoting EWON to their customers.
Our Telling Customers about External Dispute Resolution guide enables energy and water businesses to review their commitment to current regulatory requirements as well as how to aspire to best practice customer service. It aligns with industry sector regulatory frameworks, state-based requirements and the Australian Standard - AS 10002:2022 Guidelines for complaint management in organizations.
We provide logos, branding guidelines and suggested wording in the members portal, for members to use in EDR promotion.
We developed examples of best practice to show real examples of member websites that comply with the minimum requirements and illustrate elements of best practice.
Members can also use our self-assessment scorecard, to help identify areas for improvement.